04 May 2022

Deselection 2022.1

 People been telling me for years, I have too many books. They're half-right: I have too many books for my shelves. To address that, I'm consolidating some items -- by turning things I won't read (again, in some cases) into store credit, I can turn overcrowding into acquisition.

The shelves are still over-filled, but this first round was easiest.

Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild. NY: Villard, 1996.

I think this was my mother-in-law's book; I didn't buy a journalistic recounting of a young man's decision to disappear into Alaska's wilderness without any preparation. 

W.H. Hudson, Green Mansions. NY: Random House, 1916.

E.M. Forster, Passage to India. NY: Random House, 1924.

These Modern Library editions have been with me for years - decades - because they're "classics". I have no interest and will never read them.

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. NY: Scholastic, 1999.

This might be the easiest title in the world to replace.

Bernard Malamud; The Fixer, The Natural, The Assistant. NY: MJF Books, 1992.

I got this omnibus for a quarter, to read source material for a baseball movie. It's better than the movie.


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